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Be Well with SEL Services

Partnering with Families, Schools, and Community Organizations

Kristen Perrotti partners with schools and families to provide whole class and small group SEL enrichment lessons, including anxiety, mindfulness, self esteem, anger management, self-regulation/behavioral control, friendship skills, school readiness and more. Students who participate in her lessons will learn tools and strategies to manage their emotions and behavior in an appropriate manner. 

School Supply
Top View of Kids Playing

School and Community Based Centers

whole class or small group SEL lessons
offered at public and private schools, as well as community based centers

Schools and community based centers may contract with Be Well with SEL, LLC to receive weekly, monthly, or other agreed upon amount of SEL lessons. The format may be whole class or small group sessions. Upon lesson completion, students will have been exposed to a variety of skills that assist with their social, emotional, and academic growth.

Private SEL groups

small group SEL lessons
Be Well with SEL's office in 
North Andover

Families may enroll their child to participate in a 6 week, small group session that focuses on a specific skill area. Group sessions are held once per week for 45 minutes. Upon group completion, students will be equipped with skills and strategies to use when they experience the specific emotion or event in the future.

*Be Well with SEL also offers 
for teams and clubs (girl scouts, dance teams, etc.)

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Group Descriptions

SEL group topics are offered on a rotating basis during the school year
(please note that the summer schedule is different, as mini camps are offered instead)

Please check the current flyers EACH session to see which grades may register for a group.
Grade levels may change after every session.


Schools and community based centers can customize SEL lessons or mix and match from the topics listed below.

Chill Skills

anger management group
(elementary students)

Many children need help managing their anger. Sometimes it comes out in the classroom, on the playground, during less structured social events, or at home with their families. Wherever it shows up, children should have some skills to manage these big feelings. During this 6 week session, students will learn tools and strategies to recognize their body clues, identify triggers, label their angry emotions, utilize calming strategies, re-frame negative thinking, and self-advocate in a healthy way.

Mindful Me

mindfulness group
(elementary students)

Mindfulness is a state of being fully in the present moment, rather than thinking about the past or worrying about the future. Students can learn how to manage their emotions, make good choices, and balance their busy lives by practicing mindfulness. When we learn to pause and be present, we can find our calm, our center, and our peace. During this 6 week session, students will learn and practice mindful techniques (practicing gratitude/joy, breathing strategies, guided imagery, guided meditation, grounding exercises, and progressive muscle relaxation techniques). Students will make and take their own calming bottles and stress balls as tools to help calm their brains and bodies.

Positively Me

self esteem group
(elementary students)
*please note: at times this group is offered for ALL students, other times it is offered for girls only. Please check flyer each session.

Children should be empowered to recognize their individual worth and develop confidence in themselves, their abilities, and the choices they make. A realistic and healthy sense of self can lead to improved mental and physical health, better school performance, improved relationships, and a greater sense of control over one’s life -all of which lead to greater happiness. Childrens’ confidence increases only when they become more aware of their own unique abilities and attributes. During this 6 week group, students will participate in activities to help build self-worth and develop a sense of optimism. They will learn just how YOU-nique they really are!

The Best Me I Can Be

social skills group
(elementary students)

Many students need help navigating their social world. Research has shown that using books that depict the world through a child’s lens, can enhance a student’s learning experience. Julia Cook, award winning children’s author and former school counselor, has written nearly 100 books that give students both the “what to say” and the “how to say it” socially appropriate. During this 6 week session, through the use of games, activities, and Julia Cook’s stories, students will learn skills to make and keep friends, the importance of personal space, the difference between tattling and telling, strategies to refrain from interrupting, and self-management techniques to control impulsive behavior or angry feelings.

You've Got a Friend in Me

friendship skills group
(elementary students)
*please note: at times this group is offered for ALL students; other times it is offered for girls only. Please check flyer each session.

Research shows that having at least one good friend can increase a student’s sense of belonging and purpose, boost happiness, and reduce stress. Developing friendships and maintaining existing friendships can be a challenge for many children. During this 6 week session, students will learn strategies to make and keep friends. They will learn how to appropriately communicate, play with, and solve social conflict with friends. Students will learn the difference between positive attention vs. negative attention, and behaviors that make a “sweet friend” vs. a “sour friend”.

Worry Warriors

anxiety management group
(elementary students)

Everyone worries at times, however excessive worrying can interfere with a child’s learning, social development, and family life. Wherever and whenever worry shows up, students should have some coping skills to manage these anxious feelings. During this 6 week session, students will learn tools and strategies to identify where in their body they feel it (understand the difference between nervous belly vs. sick belly), identify things they can/cannot control, and how to “talk back” to their worries using worry monsters! Students will also learn, craft and take home their own coping strategies to calm their brains and bodies.

Stress Less

anxiety management group
(middle school students)

Everyone worries at times, however excessive worrying can interfere with a student’s learning, social development, and family life. Wherever and whenever worry shows up, students should have some coping skills to manage these anxious feelings. During this 6 week session, students will learn tools and strategies to identify where in their body they feel worry, identify things they can/cannot control, how to use self-talk to work through anxious thoughts or situations they may encounter, and learn a variety of coping strategies to calm their brains and bodies.

Stress Less, part 2
*Participation in Stress Less, part 1 is not a prerequisite for this group...all are welcome!

anxiety management group
(middle school students)

During this 6 week session, students will review previously taught anxiety management strategies (breathing techniques, progressive muscle relaxation, mindfulness, etc.) Students will learn how their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are connected, and will practice ways to re-frame their negative thoughts. The “Avoidance Cycle” will be explored, and students will learn ways to engage in activities they often avoid due to stress or fear. Lastly, students will learn additional coping strategies, including behavioral activation ideas, so they can better manage their worried feelings.

Zones of Regulation

self regulation/emotional control group
(elementary students)

Many students struggle to self-regulate and control their emotions. There are times when students’ behaviors and words can negatively impact their classroom engagement, home life, and peer relationships. During this 6 week session, students will learn about the 4 colored “zones” their bodies and brains move in and out of during the day. In group, they will use the “Zones of Regulation” approach to self-regulate their behaviors, emotions, and sensory needs. Using the Zones’ concepts and visuals, students will recognize their feelings and level of arousal, and then employ strategies for optimal learning. In turn, they (and others around them!) can feel comfortable.

Stop, Think, Act

self-regulation group
(elementary students)

Many students struggle to stop and think before they say or do something. There are times that students’ impulsive behavior and words can negatively impact their classroom engagement and peer relationships. During this 6 week session, students will learn about whole body listening, turn taking, and filtering their thoughts. They will practice strategies to self-regulate so they (and others around them!) can feel comfortable.

Learning through Legos

social skills play-based group
(elementary students OR early childhood students)
*please note: at times this group may be offered for elementary students; other times it is offered for preschool students. Please check flyer each session.

During this 6 week, structured playgroup session, students will practice identifying emotions, listening, sharing, following the group plan, and much more! After each class, students will leave with a “take home note/packet” so that the skills/concepts taught can be reinforced at home. Through the use of stories, games, and LEGO building activities, students will have FUN while learning valuable social emotional learning (SEL) skills!

We Thinkers

social skills group
(early childhood students)
*please note: at times this group is offered for PK-K, K-1, or PK only. Please check flyer each session.

Many students need help navigating their social world. Research has shown that using books that depict the world through a child’s lens, can enhance a student’s learning experience. During this 6 week session, through the use of games, activities, and the “We Thinkers!” book series/curriculum, students will learn 5 Social Thinking concepts that establish a common social vocabulary and are foundational to all social experiences. Concepts taught include thoughts and feelings, following the group plan, thinking with our eyes, keeping our body in the group, and showing whole body listening.

I Got a Feeling!

emotional management group
(early childhood or elementary students)

During this SEL session, students will learn that ALL feelings are okay to have. Feelings are like visitors that come and go. Some stay for a short time, others stay for a longer time, and sometimes a few visitors/feelings show up at the same time! Managing emotions and behavior can be challenging for some students…especially when a BIG FEELING shows up. Each week, students will explore a different big emotion (worry, anger, sadness, shyness, and guilt). Students will practice identifying where in their own body they feel the somatic symptoms of each feeling AND learn skills and strategies to manage it. Through the use of stories, games, and activities, students will have FUN while learning how to manage their emotions!

We Can SOAR! (Show One Another Respect)

social skills group
(elementary students)

During this 6 week social skills session, students will learn what behaviors are expected when socializing with peers. Students will explore topics such as “friendly tease” vs. “mean tease”, honesty, and winning/losing games appropriately. They will be shown strategies to become a “pull-upper” rather than a “one-upper”. Lastly, students will learn ways to develop a positive attitude rather than a “Baditude” (Bad Attitude), by turning their “have tos” into “get tos”. Students will practice communicating with confidence and learn how to SOAR (Show One Another Respect)!

Services: Inventory

Game Changers

social skills/good sportsmanship group
(elementary students)

Whether playing a board game, video game, or a competitive sport, it is important for students to demonstrate good sportsmanship. During this 6 week social skills group, students will be shown how to win and lose graciously, cooperate, and respect their teammates and opponents. Students will learn the importance of following rules and playing fair during games. Strategies for handling disappointment, as well as accepting criticism and feedback will be taught. Lastly, students will practice demonstrating a positive attitude and persevering when things feel challenging. With a positive mindset we can change the way we think about any competitive activity, and it can be a total game changer!

Chats and Crafts

self esteem, friendship, and connection through crafts
(middle school or upper elementary GIRLS)

Students should be empowered to recognize their individual worth and develop confidence in themselves, their abilities, and the choices they make. Students’ confidence increases when they feel connected, and become more aware of their own unique abilities and attributes. During this 6 week girls’ group, members will participate in chats and crafts that help build self-worth and develop a healthy sense of self.

Kristen Perrotti created Be Well with SEL, LLC to utilize her extensive experience to offer skills and strategies for participants that can be applied anytime they experience a specific emotion or challenging event. The SEL skills and lessons offered are educationally based enrichment programs, and should not be considered a substitute for therapy or individual treatment plans.

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